How we keep us all safe
Woking Roofing will still be open for business as usual and we are here to give the best roofing support during this difficult time.
The safety of our clients remains a priority and we wish to assure everyone who asks us to work for them that we will adhere to the following safety considerations to help prevent the spread of Coronavirus.
We will:
- Telephone or email our valued clients prior to the work to agree the safest approach to its completion, especially if it involves entering their home
- Cleanse our hands with alcohol-based hand rub prior to the start and also at the finish of our work
- Ensure that we use sanitising gel and wipes to clean any hard surfaces used in connection with our work
- Wear gloves and masks at all times
- Maintain a distance of 2 metres (6.5 feet) from all clients
We ask our clients to help protect Woking Roofing staff by ensuring that they also adhere to the safety advice given by professional organisations
Please call us on: 07901 002 370 if you have any questions.